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In 2018, the National Association of Dance Researchers – ANDA was starting a new cycle after celebrating 10 years of its creation. At this point, the idea arose of organizing a digital book to bring together texts from researchers who had already given conferences during scientific events organized by ANDA over these ten years. Thus, Editora ANDA emerged following the e-book ANDA: 10 Years of Research in Dance, organized by Ana Teixeira Eleonora Santos and Rosa Hercoles, members of the ANDA board of directors at that time


Management team 2016/2018

Board of Directors Ana Teixeira (PUCSP); Eleonora Santos (UFPEL); Giancarlo Martins (UNESPAR); Iara Cerqueira (UESB); Marcia Mignac (UFBA); Rafael Guarato (UFG); Rosa Hercoles (PUCSP); Rousejanny Ferreira (IFG);

Advisors Alexandre Molina (UFU); Andreia Vieira Abdelnur Camargo (USP); Elke Siedler (UDESC); Gilsamara Moura (UFBA); Helena Katz (PUCSP); Joubert de Albuquerque Arrais (UFCA).


Since then, the Publisher ANDA has taken shape and become a reference for publications in the field of Dance in Brazil. ANDA has a new election every two years to form the Association's management. The group that took over between 2018 and 2021 faced a difficult time, which was the Covid-19 pandemic. Faced with the closure of Capes' quadrennial evaluation on the productions of Postgraduate Programs and low productivity of PPGs amid social isolation, ANDA decided to publish the ANDA 2020 E-book Collection "Quais Danças estão por-vir? Trânsitos, Poéticas and Políticas do Corpo. It brought together productions from the Thematic Committees that make up the Association. During the management of this group, an assembly was held to review the Rules and Statutes of the Association, including the Editor, as part of the management responsibilities, and a new body was created, the ANDA Editorial Board.

Management team 2018/2021

Board of Directors Lígia Losada Tourinho (UFRJ); Lucas Valentim Rocha (UFBA); Thiago Silva de Amorim Jesus (UFPel); Vanilto Alves de Freitas (UFU).

Deliberative and Fiscal Council Marina Fernanda Elias Volpe (UFRJ); Marco Aurélio da Cruz Souza (FURB); Dulce Aquino (UFBA); Eleonora Campos da Motta Santos (UFPEL) and Marcílio de Souza Vieira (UFRN).


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With the first Editorial Board elected, the Publisher ANDA then begins to expand its editorial activity with the publication of books by associated people and the creation of two editorial projects of its own: the Danças do Agora Collection, which brings together diverse texts from current research and the New Dance Research Collection, which publishes innovative Master's and Doctorate research in Dance. This group also took another step in consolidating dance research in Brazil by creating the Brazilian Journal of Dance Studies, a partnership between ANDA and the the Graduate Program in Dance (PPGDan/UFRJ).

Management team 2021/2023

Board of Directors Meireane Rodrigues Ribeiro de Carvalho (UEA); Vanilto Alves de Freitas (UFU); Alysson Amâncio de Souza (URCA); Maria Inês Galvão Souza (UFRJ); Carmen Anita Hoffmann (UFPel).

Scientific and Fiscal Deliberative Council Yara dos Santos Costa Passos (UEA); Jessé Da Cruz (FURB); Diego Pizarro (IFB).

Editorial Board Marco Aurélio Da Cruz Souza (UFPel); Lígia Losada Tourinho (UFRJ); Lucas Valentim Rocha (UFBA) – from 2021/2022.

The management has continued the Publisher ANDA's projects, such as the Danças do Agora Collections and New Research in Dance. It opens this website with the intention of expanding the reach and distribution of published works.

Management team 2023/2025

Board of Directors Alysson Amâncio de Souza (URCA); Maria Inês Galvão Souza (UFRJ); Katya Souza Gualter (UFRJ); Graziela Corrêa de Andrade (UFMG); Marcilio de Souza Vieira (UFRN); Tatiana Wonsik Rewards Joseph (UFSM).

Scientific and Fiscal Deliberative Council Carolina Natal (UFRJ); Marcia Feijó de Araújo (Angel Vianna College/FAV); Vanilto Alves de Freitas – Vanilton Lakka (UFU).

Editorial Board Marco Aurélio da Cruz Souza (UFPel); Lígia Losada Tourinho (UFRJ); Lucas Valentim Rocha (UFBA).

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