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Publisher ANDA's publications are aimed at associated people. We have two ways to promote publications:


The first corresponds to our editorial projects, which take place by submitting proposals in the notices launched by the Editor.


The second is through spontaneous demand from associated people who must send their manuscripts for evaluation by peers who are part of our Scientific Council.

In this second option, the person applying for publication must have their resources for corrections, layout, and creation of a graphic project. The Publisher ANDA is responsible for producing the catalog form and creating the ISBN.


Own Editorial Projects

  1. Submission of the proposal in a notice;

  2. Peer review of the manuscript;

  3. Approval, Indication of Corrections or Rejection;

  4. Adjustments (if necessary);

  5. Layout, Graphic Design Creation;

  6. Production of catalog cards and preparation of ISBNs;

  7. Publication on the website;

  8. Book launch at ANDA Event.

Associated People Editorial Projects

  1. Submission of the proposal via email:;

  2. Peer review of the manuscript;

  3. Approval, Indication of Corrections or Rejection;

  4. Adjustments (if necessary);

  5. Layout, Graphic Design Creation (responsibility of the author);

  6. Production of catalog cards and preparation of ISBNs;

  7. Publication on the website;

  8. Book launch at ANDA Event.

If the publication foresees printing, it is agreed that 15 copies will be sent to Publisher ANDA.

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